Saturday, May 14, 2011

Out of the mouth of Eli

Eli calls his sister ‘Diddy’ obviously Audrey is too much for him to get the hang of at the moment

Overall though his speaking is coming on really well(especially when discussing certain topics – his age, Bob theBuilder, balls etc) though he’s generally quieter than his sister (who talks non stop from the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep) but he keeps adding new words to his vocabulary every day.

When realising his sister had wandered off into another room this morning he turned to me and asked “Where’s Diddy, Daddy?” which although unremarkable was a nice way to start the day.

Eli with his slinky

1 comment:

Dad said...

Apparently it is very important for children to talk to each other and to their parents etc. In a TV programme recently a teacher demonstrated that the boys could not read properly because thay could not talk intelligibly. Therefore they were slower than the girls in learning