We actually had a success a couple of months ago when Audrey 'went' in the potty unprompted. The three of us ran round cheering and hi-five-ing. After that though she didn't show much interest in it. She clearly knew what it was for but chose not to use it - perhaps she couldn't face the excitement each time?
Amy bought a pack of 'big girl knickers' something which Audrey delighted in wearing and we've had the early accidents as expected. We're progressing slowly, led in the main by Amy.
Along the way a few people have told us how easy their offspring were to train, but equally I'm sure there are lots of 4 year olds still in nappies.
All was going well until Audrey forgot herself last night and I had to fish a couple of unwelcome poos out of the bath. Audrey at least had the decency to tell me how nicely they were floating as I lifted her out of the soiled waters.
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