Friday, January 7, 2005


I'd decided to go to Ifaty to kill time until my flight on Saturday. At Breakfast I met some arrongant Yanks who were also going there. They refused completely to speak either French or Malagasy. As a result they got a random selection of things for their breakfast (half of which they left at any rate) I got my breakfast and referred them to my French phrasebook. One bloke was particularly annoying.

Anyway, I left Tulear (again!) and arrived at Ifaty about 11am. The place I'd planned to stay was "fermer" (that phrasebook coming in handy once more!) and so I ended up staying in a little place called Volvo Telo.

It was right on the beach and absolutely amazing (if basic!) I spent most of the day swimming and reading. The sea is so blue and the sand so white. I had a great seafood pizza for tea!!

I awoke about 2am to the sound of disco... two streets away. The music was so loud. I decided to get dressed and investigate.

It was really little more than a villiage hall packed with bodies dancing to (slightly out of date) music. One of the more distateful aspects was the amount of French expats (aged 45-70) in various clinches with their local "girlfriends" (aged 15-20). Some of the girls are very pretty, but it's a bit seedy nonetheless. I stayed for a drink and went to bed.

I woke up about an hour later with a two inch cockroach on my chest. not nice

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