Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The blog begins!

Hi everyone,

I've always been a real critic of those circular e-mails or newsletters that people send at Christmas saying what has been going on in their lives. They never tell of bad (or interesting!) news, and some of them are really cloying.

When Amy and I started talking about the idea of having a blog for our baby who is due to be born later this year, I was reminded of the global impersonal communications that people send out at the end of the year, but then realised that maybe they do serve a purpose after all!

At least by producing a blog in this way people can see what's going on in our lives, and no doubt we'll periodically update this site. Fundamentally too it saves us the bother of writing to everyone and gives you as a reader the opportunity to read (or ignore) our news!

If you want to know what's going on with us then you can have a look here - if you're not in the slightest interested then you don't have to put up with a circular e-mail...

As this is the first time we've done a blog like this, you'll have to forgive us any typos or rubbish content!

Enjoy reading!

Trevor and Amy x

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