Monday, February 11, 2019

Audrey with her 'Student Leader' badge

Audrey collected her 'Student Leader' badge today, signifying that she's now in her final year of Primary School. 

It's gone so quickly and Audrey's becoming such an amazing young lady who makes me proud every day. The school held a special ceremony to celebrate the occasion and it was packed with both parents and grandparents. It's hard attending these things on my own.

My kids have certainly not had the easiest of starts to life, but they continue to amaze me. Well done Audrey. 

(I'm a bit unclear what the role of 'student leader' involves. When it was introduced a couple of years ago in the school, the power seemed to be more wide ranging that it is now, with kids allowed to wander the play ground pulling younger kids up on their behaviour. I got told off by one of the school Mums for suggesting that the school had created their own version of the Kapo. Perhaps my humour was a tadge black.)

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