Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tłusty Czwartek

Some traditions are worth keeping. When we lived in Warsaw we quickly learned about the importance of Tłusty Czwartek (or Fat Thursday) Like pancake day/Shrove Tuesday it's all about eating bad stuff before undergoing the penance of Lent. The Poles do it in style, eating Pączki (a delicious type of deep-fried dough similar to a doughnut filled with cream and/or jam)- thereby essentially trumping the flat and flaccid pancake of the UK...besides what even is a Shrove?

I worked for a while at an English school above Warsaw's famous bakery on ul.Chmielna. At that bakery and all throughout Poland, Pączki are available in a huge range of different flavours and are one of the delightful memories of our time living in the country.

We're grateful therefore that Canberra has its very own 'White Eagle Club' which celebrates Fat Thursdays so we were able to tuck into Pączki. Not to the same high standard as found on Chmielna but still delicious. 

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