Sunday, December 31, 2017

Big Splash!

We had a fun New Years eve (day) trip to nearby Big Splash. Big Splash is Canberra's only waterpark and apart from a short trip a few years ago we'd never been there - which I guess indicates just how much there is to see and do in the rest of Canberra!

Typically on hot days like today I've preferred the picturesque Cotter river to the waterpark, but together with some friends we went along. It was actually pretty good timing as a lot of people leave town at this time of year to head inter-state to see family or to Sydney for the fireworks. It meant that the park wasn't crowded, queues for rides were tiny and we all had a fair share on numerous rides.

The park is actually pretty good - they advertise that they have nine slides - which is a bit of a stretch as some of them are really only for tots, but on the whole it's a really nice set up and the big rides that they do have were now perfectly suited to an 8 and 10 year old. We spent a lot of the day there - armed with our new $30 'no' pro which I think takes pretty decent pics given its cost.

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