Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some good news at last!

Yesterday I had an appointment with my oncologist. Usually Trevor goes with me but this time he took the kids to dance class for me so I went on my own.

I changed my medication around 6 weeks ago as the previous one hadn't been working for me. I wasn't expecting any real news as the oncologist had warned me at our previous appointment that we might not get any results for 3 months. My tumour markers had been trending up and up and up so I was feeling slightly anxious when we looked at the results....but Hurrah!! at last the markers have decreased and are now at the same level they were 5 months ago. Still way above average but a lot less than what they were 6 weeks ago. A positive sign that the medication I am on might actually work and stabilise my condition for a while. I was so happy as every other time I'd been to the oncologist I've had to deal with disappointing news.

As I didn't have Trevor with me, I kissed the oncologist instead!! She didn't seem to mind! So, I go back in 7 weeks for another check up. I'm hoping that the trend has now reversed and my markers will continue to decrease and maybe I might even get them down to 'normal' levels some time in the future.


Ambasada said...

Amy, what a wonderful news! We are with you all the time.
marysia and co.

pj said...

Great news. Thinking about you all. Patrick

leedsboy said...

Wonderful news Amy. I hope the trend continues.

Kisses and hugs from us all.

Bob Lethaby's Blog said...

Amy, you have lightened my mood with this news...keep going girl!!!
I am in the process of writing to Trev for a more detailed catch up!

Anonymous said...

Amy..I am so so happy ! Thinking of you much of the catherine x