More often than not 1+1 equals...
4 - the number of hours it takes you to get outside, once you've checked the nappy bag, changed each child, got the appropriate clothes + changes, assembled the pushchair, put some milk and snacks in the bag for Audrey, changed Eli again etc etc
½ - that is half the amount of sleep you used to get with only one child
3 - three times the amount of mess everywhere - how can this be!?!
⅓ - a third of the brain cells seem to have died in both of our heads
20 - times more dirty nappies overflowing from every bin!
Apart from that things going well, although our moat is looking decidely grubby and I'm sure one of the lights in the stable needs changing..must go off and fiddle my expenses...(Amy says you might only get this if you read UK news)
Here are some pics from the last few days (daze?)
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