Most of the attractions we took them to got the 'thumbs up' as opposed to the 'thumbs down' - a simple but effective scoring mechanism developed by the children (and I guess by Roman Emperors!). On a couple of occasions it was a bit nerve jangling as the little thumbs hovered between ups and downs, but on the whole I think we scored more
thumbs up than thumbs downs!
The next day was really hot, and so we got going fairly early to Wodny Park swimming pool, for swimming and slides and then to our Kiwi friends Penny and Mike for a lovely barbecue on Sunday evening.
It was so great to catch up with them all. Joe told me that he was the first boy in his school to visit Poland - he took a handful of postcards home to show his class. Also I hope they'll all be practicing the Polish words they learnt during their visit!
Sam on the slide in Plac Wilsona
Amy and Robin
Hi Trev,
Thanks for the lovely weekend, big thumbs up all round.
Shan wants know why I didn't get any choccies at the choocie place, I said that I thought she was on choccy detox after her recent fitness run - why do little boys always blag!
Shan thinks Amy looks very fit and healthy.
Joe wants to know how many Polish words you know?
Sam says do you know he can turn around on the slide! Wowwzas.
thanks again
Hi Robin,
Glad you enjoyed it.
It's a shame you didn't get Shan any chocs - you had your eye on that really big box as well, and you kept saying what a special person she was!
In answer to Joe's question, I probably know more Polish words than Joe, but considerably less than Amy!
Pretty impressive about the slide trick Sam - good luck at the sports day!!
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