Sunday, February 3, 2013

Audrey and Eli's first day at school and pre-school

We (very nervously) dropped Eli and Audrey off at their pre-school and school today.

It was a really big day for all of us, though in all honesty I think the kids took it much more in their stride than we did. Amy laid the breakfast table before we went to bed(!) and the all new (and ever so slightly too big...but they'll grow into them) school clothes were laid out ready.

There were no tears to speak of (well ok I fought back the tears myself at one point) and both of them were happy in their new surroundings. We stayed for 20 minutes with each of them before we said our farewells. No doubt tonight will be full of stories of new friends and experiences. Here's some pictures of the kids first day.

On our steps

Three wonderful people

Eli with his bag

hand in hand to the car

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