Initially, being vegetarian I assumed I'd be immune to Swine Flu, but since finding out it doesn't work like that, I've been following the spread of the "Global Swine Flu Pandemic" (GSFP?) with some interest.
The original hyperbole inferred that we were all going to be dead within a week. Images of ill looking Mexicans in paper masks abounded. 'Hundreds Dead' - queues of people waiting outside of hospitals, smog filled streets full of people coughing.
It took over a week before Australia got its first infected person (the UK was always ahead of the Australian Swine Flu count) a lady somewhere in Sydney, who was discharged later that day. Our TV screens have since been filled with a growing count, 50, 100, 150 and now somewhere 'over 1200'. Apparently it will take 16 days from this point before everyone in this country is infected.
In typical Australian competitive fashion the victim count is broken down by State (Victoria has a huge lead with over 800 victims - much to the disgust of New South Wales). The ACT where we live is alas bringing up the rear with a paltry ten cases.
Nevertheless, schools have been closed, rugby teams have fallen victim and even Snow white has been quarantined after Doctors expressed suspicion around dwarfs Sneezy and Dopey.
I also read on Saturday that parents apparently holding 'Swine Flu Parties' where children with mild versions of Swine Flu can mix with other kids so as to build up their tolerance (I'm not joking!) I wonder if a similar thing took place with the Black Death?
One thing I've noted though with all of these cases is....nobody has actually died.....I'm not trying to be morbid and wish severe illness on people, but the count of people with what appears to be a 'harmless' GSFP, feels akin to counting the number of people with bunions or in-growing toenails.
I always thought a good cure for the flu was to take cough syrup, hot lemon or asprin. Apparently though the press tell us that the only real remedy is to panic (and of course keep a scorecard).
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