We're going on a little day out - we're off to a concert
Listen to the orchestra - blowing on a trumpet
See the girl play the violin - the little boy on the big bass drum
Boom boom boom boom - here it comes
Audrey's daycare had an outing to 'Noteworthy Kinder' which was put on by the Canberra Philharmonic orchestra in the impressive Llewellyn Hall at the Australian National University (ANU).
It was a lovely performance - probably only 4 or 5 pieces, but the conductor (Mark Shiell) was excellent and really entertained the kids. In truth, the main entertainment for most of the children was the bus ride to the ANU and a lot of them seemed to really like playing with the flip up seats more than listening to the music, but it was a nice morning out nonetheless.
I went along for the ride as well, to help out - here's some pictures of our trip.