Aside from the occasional tantrum (probably brought on by the sudden arrival of a little 'bother') it's been lovely listening to Audrey adding new words to her vocabulary and starting to piece them together into mini sentences.
She's already can proudly declare that one of her favourite sandwich fillings is " 'am and cheese" and complained when we left 'Monkey World play-zone yesterday, that she wanted 'More slide' (she had enjoyed the slides in there SO much). She can often be caught saying 'Lie down' to her doll and delighted in a tiny bit of chocolate we gave her the other day by demanding 'More choc!' It's interesting that she learnt the word 'choc' without ANY prompting, flash cards, baby Einstein DVDs or continued repetition...hmmm.
There are some words that don't quite hit the mark (but are still cute nonetheless). Audrey uses the word 'Showel' as for 'sandwich' for instance and 'Clow' instead of 'cuddle'.
The problem with this is that you often find yourself using her definition of the word rather than necessarily always correcting her, so you end up saying ridiculous things such as 'Would you like an 'am and cheese showel?' Not too bad I guess providing that nobody else is in earshot!
Eli meanwhile in his 5th week is growing both in length and weight. He's doing really well and is pictured keeping his sister entertained on mum and dad's bed..