We've just got back from a short trip to Australia. It was a really nice break and great in that it allowed Amy's parents (Ivor and Wendy), her Nana and Grandma as well as her brother Ivor, and his family to meet Audrey for the first time.
Amy's parents live in Nuriootpa located in the Barossa Valley. It's a big wine growing region and is a really beautiful country spot. Autumn had just begun in South Australia, but despite this we were treated to a lovely week of weather with the temperature in the mid 20s.
Audrey loved our trip, not least as it allowed her to venture out without her coat (without any of the risk of mohair-beret-wearing old Polish ladies chastising us about her state of undress).
She also became aquainted with Milly and Lottie, Amy's parents two dogs who variously scared, excited and entertained her during our spell in Australia. The extra inches in height Audrey will gain before the three of them meet again in a few months time, should just about give her the upper hand over them, but for now it was a fairly even contest!
It was also nice to catch up with Amy's friend Louisa who made the trip out to Nuri' to see the three of us. Unfortunately, because the trip was at such short notice and we had only a short time in Nuri' we were unable to see our other friends. We really look forward to catching up with everyone when we come back in August.
I also got chance to have a couple of games of tennis with Ivor (Amy's dad) which was great fun as well.
While we were away, we also celebrated our first wedding anniversary. It's amazing how the time has flown, and how much has happened in the last 12 months.
Here are some pics from our trip - if you want to see more click here. (Let me know if this doesn't work as I've had some problems with the link)

Audrey and her Great Nana
Audrey and her Great Grandma
Audrey and Pop

Audrey (poses) with her Nana

Louisa, Amy, Trevor and Audrey in Nuriootpa

Amy and Audrey in Harhndorf