Trevor headed off to the UK for the weekend very early on Friday morning leaving Audrey and I home alone! Audrey must have sensed something was different as she decided to wake up at 5am instead of her usual 6:15-6:30am. I realised then that it was going to be a long and exhausting time looking after her by myself 24/7 for 3 days! I have to admit that despite this I was looking forward to having her to myself.
The highlight was definitely getting to take her to her Bumps and Babies group on Friday morning. She absolutely loves seeing the other kids and getting cuddles from the other Mums (sometimes on the sly when their kids aren't looking!). She also gets to play with other toys that are, of course, always more interesting than her own. By the end of the hour and a bit that we were there she was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as we hit the road to head home.
The rest of the weekend has gone by in a blur. It's amazing how quickly the days fly by. We went to the shops on Saturday and I bundled her up so that she'd look like all the other Polish babies (and so I wouldn't get in trouble from the grandmas who love to stop people and tell them that their child isn't wearing enough layers/doesn't have enough blankets/they are bad parents etc). However, when we got outside it was really quite warm and I was hot so I decided to be daring and strip her down by one layer. Sure enough, an old lady peered into the pram as we waited at the stoplights. Here we go, I thought. Imagine my surprise when I turned to the old lady and saw her smiling and waving at Audrey and saying how lovely she is, how good, how pretty etc. (Imagine my chest also puffing out with pride!). Audrey responded on cue with a lovely ear-splitting grin. Holding her dolly just topped off the picture! This was repeated twice more on the way back.
The rest of the time we spent reading, singing and chilling out on the playmat. We had a lovely time together but we were happy to see Trevor/Daddy when he arrived home on Sunday night (although Audrey didn't get to see him until Monday morning).