We took a short break to England last weekend. It was really nice to catch up with Robin, Shan and the boys, and do a bit of DIY in Flowering Cherry in Newbury. We also took a quick trip up to Wolverhampton to see Audrey's grandparents, which was great as well.
5th of November is
Guy Fawkes Night in the UK and so the streets and skies throughout the whole weekend were full of bangs, and flashes. It was especially pleasurable this year, as although a bit chilly England was dry (often Guy Fawkes Night manages to coincide with days of unbroken clouds and drizzle).
On Saturday night we had a bonfire party at Robin's place, which his 3 boys loved. Audrey wasn't too sure about it all, so spent the night indoors with her mum (I guess at 10 weeks old fireworks are a bit difficult to work out!).
Generally Audrey had a good trip, but it was hard at times moving her around the country - she's been used to a nice daily routine over the last few weeks and so sometimes trips in cars, planes and strange places did get a bit much for her. (no doubt she was also unhappy about missing Deal or No Deal on tele!)
It was a good adventure for both her and us though. We had an amusing time on the plane. On the way to the UK we put one of the plane's two toilets out of use by stuffing it FULL of used nappies - (we HONESTLY thought it was a bin!) We were very apologetic to the steward after realising our mistake, but I don't think the line of passengers that formed down the aisle after our actions were terribly impressed.
We also had another weird experience near Cheltenham where we sat and watched an empty Mazda roll down a hill in a pub car park, into a parked VW Beetle (leaving both cars a bit worse for wear)
Audrey also got to use both her new passports during her trip and is can now class herself as a jet-setter!
Here's some more pictures from the last 5 days
The Middleton boys Joe and Patrick (Sam peeking between them) in a cafe in Hungerford

Eat your heart out Sydney harbour bridge - this is Newbury!
Sam with a sparkler

Audrey (in her filmstar coat) and her Grandma