It's now a requirement for children of any age to have a photo on their passport. It used to be that they could be added to their parents documents, but now (presumably as children are growing up faster) they have to have their own passport, I presume just in case the child decides to jet off to sunnier climbs. Although I suppose if that happened they would then be learning to fly before they could walk?
We went into town yesterday to get a photo for Audrey. The difficulty is the regulations for the photo are so strict it's incredible. Top of chin 22mm from the bottom of the picture, no hats, no parents hands, looking straight ahead, no dribble from corner of the mouth (ok I made the last one up). It was certainly a challenge with a baby just 4 weeks old.
In the end we found a really lovely chap who took about 25 pictures of Audrey (eyes closed, mouth open, floppy head etc etc) until we found one that just about did the job. He then set to work on his computerer 'tidying up' the picture and we ended up with one that we hope fits the bill (Amy worries that Audrey's eyes aren't looking straight ahead and look a bit 'shifty').
The man was really good on the drawing program, and I reckon I'm going to set him to work on some of my photos - he could take years off me. It was also amazing as he spent about 20 minutes clearing up tiny specs on the picture for which he charged about 35 zloty - something which an ad agency would have sucked their teeth and charged 500 quid for.
We've just got a multitude of forms to fill in now to accompany the picture!